Our intent for the Physical Education curriculum is to provide pupils with the opportunities to build on KS1 and KS2 motor competences in a board range of physical activities. We aim to ensure pupils develop a knowledge and understanding of what it means to be healthy, physically, mentally and socially. The department seeks to create a fully inclusive learning environment, encouraging all pupils to enjoy all aspects of physical education. Our intended outcome is for pupils to become aware of the essential skills required to function effectively within sport as well as the wider community. Ultimately, those who wish to continue their love of sport will have the option to do so at KS4.
Activity Rotations
Physical education is implemented on a rotation of activities throughout the school year. Each year the rotations are tailored to meet the needs of individual cohorts. The rotation of events are broad and bespoke to each cohort, ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to succeed. The department seeks to build on pupil social skills, academic rigour and cultural capital via the vehicle of physical education (trips, competition, interschool events, clubs). Academic rigour is achieved by focusing on the 'Five-a-Day' principle and social skills, focusing on the 'skills builder essential skill' that will support pupils for life in the wider community. We asked the question: What is health? Physical, Mental, Social.
Building on the foundations of the KS3 curriculum, pupils are given the opportunity of choosing Physical Education as an option subject. Pupils will now specialise in specific practical disciplines and theoretical context.
The WJEC GCSE qualification in physical education will enable learners to engage in a practical course, designed to encourage learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged by the subject. Through studying GCSE Physical Education learners will acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities and understand the benefits to health, fitness and well-being. This course has been designed to allow learners to develop an appreciation of physical education in a wide range of contexts.
Pupils will be entered for either the short course or full course dependant on theoretical and practical internal assessment outcomes. Pupils are required to choose two sports (short course) or three sports and an 8-week personal exercise program (full course).
Content of study Short Course:
The subject content focuses on three key areas:
1. Health, training and exercise
2. Exercise physiology
3. Movement analysis
All of the subject content is assessed in Unit 1 as part of the written examination.
Unit 1 - Introduction to physical education
Written examination: 1 hour
50% of qualification
50 marks
Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended questions. The
questions will be based on visual stimuli and other sources.
Content of study Full Course:
The subject content focuses on five key areas:
1. Health, training and exercise
2. Exercise physiology
3. Movement analysis
4. Psychology of sport and physical activity
5. Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
Component 1 - Introduction to physical education
Written examination: 2 hours
60% of qualification
120 marks
Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended answers. The
questions will be based on stimuli/sources.